Virtual Reality Technology
The world is constantly changing and we're now able to experience it in a way we never could before with the help of virtual reality headsets. Virtual Reality is a computer-generated simulation of a 3D image that can be interacted with by a person using special electronic equipment . VR technology transports us into a world that's as real as anything else and is now affordable for many. With VR, we can experience things like flying over the Eiffel Tower, standing on Mars exploring the red planet, or petting a majestic elephant from afar without ever leaving home! We can dive into new worlds and interact with creatures from different planets while experiencing the impossible in a manner that feels very real. . But it is almost impossible to understand exactly what Virtual reality is until you experience it. It came about in the 1980s when scientists started experimenting with devices that didn't require the user to wear anything on their bodies. The best way