Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is one of the big buzzwords flying around our ear nowadays. We all wonder about what exactly it is!!!Basically it refers to the 4th industrial revolution where we have seen transformative technologies that have changed the industries. We are now having machines -intelligent Robots connected with smart factories around us. How did we get here? First industrial revolution had started in 1770s where we moved from hands to machines, from farms to first factories using steam and water power. Implementing these new technologies were not so easy, it took a long time to go ahead with these technologies. More newer things were happened to iron industry, mining and agriculture. They had soon adopted that. Second industrial revolution had arrived 100 years later I.e., from 1871 to 1914 where electricity was invented. It has given birth to automation, assembly lines. Increasing electrification has given the kickstart to factories for modern pr...