Quantum Entanglement: An overview
Imagine if we have some technology which can transfer the signals faster than the speed of light. Amazing right! It can really be lifesaving technology for us. Suppose if we placed this device near to the blackhole at the centre of our milky way galaxy. If the blackhole disappears or explodes for some reason, we will get this notification at the same instant; for the same light will take several thousand years to reach us. This means we will get an extra thousands of years to tackle this problem when the actual effect reaches us. Do we have any such technology? If yes, then how this works and how it will benefit us? Today we use a communication system using electromagnetic waves. This existing technology will not give communication faster than the speed of light as it itself uses light. So, what other options do we have? Quantum Entanglement: To go further let’s come back to time. In the 20th century Einstein proposed a thought experiment where, according to the theory, an event at o